Thursday, March 28, 2013

Holy Week

The first week back from Spring Break has been productive.

  • We've completed 19 of our speeches.
  • We should be finishing off AR tests in order to obtain at least 23 points by April 12.
  • We've worked on our 10 Commandments posters.
  • We've read from the Bible - Exodus 12-17.
  • We've discussed the significance of the Holy Triduum and the relationship between the story of the Exodus and Christ.
  • We've been working through the Middle Ages unit, reading from the text and answering questions.  Next class, we'll be looking at the questions from p. 56, 59 (or chart), 65 (2b, 4a, 4b), and 67 (1, 2, 3b, 3c, 4).
  • Due next class (in addition to having the answers to these questions): visuals/artifacts for the Middle Ages Fair.