Friday, March 30, 2012

March 30 - Renaissance Project

You received your Renaissance Project information today and selected the people you will be researching.  We will meet in the library Monday, 1st block.  We are switching SS and CE blocks next week.  SS will be D instead of G, and CE will be G instead of D.

Due Dates:

Research - April 11
Profile Page - emailed to me by April 13 (link and password)
Group Page - emailed to me by April 17 (link and password)
Presentations - April 16, 17, 18 (8 each day)
In-class Essay - April 24

People Assigned:

Jade - Giotto
Nella - da Vinci
Austin - Michelangelo
Kailin - Rembrandt
Caitlin - Raphael
Isabella - Durer
Christina - Gentileschi
Stephanie de J - Boccaccio
Brittney - Donatello
Miguel - Shakespeare
Jessica - Machiavelli
Alex - Dante
Cassandra - Malory
Jeffrey - Galileo
David - Copernicus
Danielle - Bacon
Stephanie de A - Henry VIII
Marra - Elizabeth I
Paolo - Savonarola
April John - Luther
Eduardo - Calvin

Thursday, March 29, 2012

March 29 - EN and CE

  • AR
  • peer feedback
  • paragraph revision
  • presenting paragraph
Homework: If you haven't finished the second draft of your paragraph, please do so.

  • continuation of The Ten Commandments

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

March 27 - English

We worked on AR and paragraph-writing.

Homework: rough draft of your persuasive paragraph

Next day 1: We will switch English and CE blocks so English is earlier and CE is last block.

March 27 - CE

In CE, we are watching the Ten Commandments.

Monday, March 26, 2012

March 26

Social Studies:
  • We discussed the whole concept of mercantilism.
  • We continued work on the Renaissance.
  • No homework assigned for SS today but be sure to have completed your Moses Cornell notes for CE tomorrow.

Friday, March 16, 2012

March 16 - EN

  • Silent Reading!  Congratulations to the following students who have ALL their AR points for the year:
  1. Alex
  2. Marra
  3. Mackenzie
  4. Isabella
  5. Stephanie de A.
  6. Nella
  7. Cassandra
  8. Jessica
  9. Christina
  10. Paolo
  11. Renee
  12. Jade
  • We went over our Diff'rent Strokes responses and had a discussion about the themes of the show as well as what other groups of people are mistreated.
Have a great Spring Break.  If you don't have your AR points, please do lots of reading.

March 16 - CE

Steward of the Earth - Reflection

Write a single-spaced paragraph that addresses the following:
  • What I do
  • What I could do if I just tried a bit
  • What I wish I could do but can't right now and why
Be sure to write at least 10 sentences.

Thursday, March 15, 2012

March 15 - SS

We worked on our Cornell Notes and Mercantilism.  Please finish these for homework if not completed in class.

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

March 14

SS Homework for tomorrow: Complete Cornell Notes for Renaissance up to but not including the last page.

CE Homework for Friday: Finish Moses Cornell Notes.

EN Homework for Friday: Finish plotline for "Hot Watch."  Two of you already handed this in.  Great work, Nella and Danielle!

Monday, March 12, 2012

Book Talks

April 2:  Isabella, Mackenzie, Jade
April 4: Marra, Paolo, Alex
April 10: Eduardo, Nella, Caitlin
April 12: Austin, Miguel, David
April 16: April John, Stephanie de A., Jessica
April 18: Kailin, Christina, Renee, Danielle
April 20: Cassandra, Stephanie de J.
April 24: Brittney, Marcus, Jeffrey

Thursday, March 8, 2012

March 7

You did an excellent job working hard in your Cornell Notes for the Renaissance. HW: Finish the first page of notes if you haven't done so.

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

March 6

  • We worked on a journal entry: Which commandment do I find most challenging to follow; why is it challenging; what are the sacrifices in Lent I can make to help me follow that commandment?
  • We then got into groups, mostly according to the commandment we wrote about:
  1. Mackenzie, Jade, Paolo
  2. David, Jeffrey
  3. Eduardo, Miguel
  4. Kailin, Isabella, Marcus, Christina
  5. Caitlin, Nella
  6. Austin, Alex
  7. Cassandra, Jessica
  8. Brittney, Stephanie de J
  9. Danielle, April John
  10. Renee, Stephanie de A, Marra
  • In our groups, we'll be making posters of our commandments. We will include the commandment, its application to modern teenagers, and images/drawings to help illustrate this. You will be given class time to complete this activity.
  • No homework for today.
  • We discussed last day's Family Ties activity.
  • We did silent reading.
  • We returned to our Most Memorable Moment paragraphs and gave peer feedback using the following criteria:
  1. Does the paragraph follow the given format (TS, CD, CM, CM, CD, CM, CM, CS)?
  2. Is the paragraph engaging?
  3. Is there enough detail?
  4. How are the mechanics (capitalization, punctuation, spelling, grammar)?
  5. Does the concluding sentence end the paragraph successfully, or is it flat/inconclusive/confusing?
  • We worked on a new draft due Thursday.  Please attach the first draft to the second.

Monday, March 5, 2012

March 5

More Renaissance!
  • You handed in your inventions sheets to Mr. Martin.
  • We read and discussed geography, Florence, and Venice.
  • You worked on questions from the textbook: p. 217 q. 1, 3, 4, 5, 6a
Homework: Complete the questions if you did not finish them in class.

Thursday, March 1, 2012

March 1

  • We read today's Gospel and discussed the messages, especially the "golden rule."
  • We discussed the 10 commandments then got into groups.
  • In our groups, we listed the 10 commandments then discussed the ones we find most challenging to follow.
  • We reported back to the class on our discussions.
  • We continued the work from yesterday.  It is now for homework: Complete Cornell notes up to "Why the commandments were so important"
D block: SS with Mr. Martin
B block: English

Monday: SS in G block