Monday, April 30, 2012

April 30


We went over expectations for leading class prayer and divided up into groups.  We'll be leading class prayer May 22, 24, 29, and 31 in both D and B blocks.


Written on Our Hearts:
  • read pp. 94-96 (up to For Review)
  • read and take notes on Joshua (textbook and Biblical passages indicated in book) pp. 96-103 total but not everything is due next class; due Wednesday us p. 96 up to page 98 just before "The abundance of the land"

We did AR and got our books for independent novel study. You chose Theodore Boone Kid Lawyer and The Outsiders.

We filled in a calendar for May, showing when the novel project would be due (May 29) and when Day 1s are.  You need to plan your reading so you can finish your projects on time.

Projects include your choice of: comic strip, book jacket, poster, timeline, power point/prezi.