Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Feb. 23

Prayer Intentions:

- for Mrs. Funaro and her family
- for the grade 8 girls' basketball team
- for Alex's personal intention
- for Jessica's grandmother

Prayer leader was Lorenz. Next day it will be Isabella.

Please note, anyone going to the funeral on Friday should not worry about bringing in homework for checking before going. I can check your homework just as easily on Tuesday.

First two blocks

- We finished off most of the speeches. There are a few left for Friday (or sometime after).
- We talked about which book to select for the next novel study. Students will be doing this study independently and will have a number of assignments to complete with the study.

Last Block

- We filled out the sheet to select the book to read (Throwaway Daughter or Forbidden City).
- We received study guides for the Middle Ages unit test.
- We started work on the Early China unit.


- The map is due (for keeping as your notes) next Tuesday (March 1).
- The fill-in-the-blanks on pages 74-76 is due on Friday.
- I will be checking the Outsiders questions next class.
- REMEMBER: The project is due Friday, Feb. 25 (unless you have received an extension).