Monday, January 17, 2011

Jan. 17

Prayer Intentions:

- for Ralphie in grade 10 and his recovery
- for the basketball teams and their success
- for Lorenz's grandmother who is ill
- for the sick, stressed, and injured
- for Luca's uncle who just passed away

Prayer leader was Shaun. Next class, prayer leader will be Ria.


- silent reading
- speech topics finalized
- Chapter 4 of Outsiders and questions


- finish chapter 4 questions


- reading about Joseph: Genesis 42-45
- discussion about times when we've had a tough break that turned into something good (ordered sharing)


- paragraph: Dreams (7-10 sentences)


- Late Middle Ages

- questions on p. 149: 1, 2, 3a, 3b, 5, 6 a, 6b (but not Canadian part)

- reading: textbook pp. 149-155: Trade and Town


- Finish the questions. They should be answered in paragraph form.