Monday, October 25, 2010

Oct. 25

Prayer Intentions

- for those who are sick, stressed, or injured
- for the people in the Philippines
- for Stefano's family friend with cancer
- for Arturo (his injury)
- for Bishop Monroe
- for Tyson
- for Lorenz's family

Prayer leaders were Arturo and Jhoden.

- I handed out the rubrics you all had a hand in creating.
- You did group work on your project and thought about a time line of when to have different aspects of your work done.


- Keep working on the project.


- AR
- Grammar (checked adj, worked on adv.)
- Class time to start adverbs.


- Finish exercises 27-30.

- practiced ordered sharing
- reviewed geography quizzes in preparation for unit test
- worked on World Map


- Finish World Map (due Wednesday).

Prayer leaders next class: Luca and Shawn.