- sharing by Sophia
- Jeopardy (won by the group with Sophia, Sofia, Jessica, Tom, and absent Nicholas) Play again at Genesis Jeopardy
- NEW project for CE: Noah and the Flood Comic Strip DUE Wednesday, Nov. 7
List 6-9 main events in the Noah story in order to share this list with your group next day (Wednesday).
- started rubrics creation for Noah project
- AR
- adjectives/adverbs - worked on paragraph with OODLES of adjectives and adverbs
- Finish the overloaded paragraphs about yourselves with an extremely, outrageously, hugely excessive use of insanely beautiful adjectives and adverbs.
- Testing: practice test on adjectives and adverbs on Wednesday, test on Friday
- Day 1 with HR
- SS in library for research/work on World Religions project