- sharing: Karlo, Matthew M.
- review of last day's readings
- reading/discussion of the rest of the Abraham story: Isaac's birth, the banishment of Hagar and Ishmael, Abraham's test, Sarah's death, Isaac's marriage to Rebekah, Abraham's death
- went over the Downfall of the Tang
- group activity: matching the notes in the Dynasties chart
- note-taking (chart) See the Google Docs on the side for a copy.
- Due tomorrow for English: questions 15-19 of "Seeking"
- Monday, Dec. 3: choir students out
- Tuesday, Dec. 4: China practice test in B block
- Wednesday, Dec. 5: Mass and Abraham practice test
- Thursday, Dec. 6: China test in B block
- Friday, Dec. 7: Abraham test in F block (and G if needed), early dismissal