Sept. 18
- reading - I Corinthians 12:12-14, 27-31
- explanation: Be your best; be thankful for your gifts; help and care for others.
- Textbook: Chapter 1 - The Old Testament (introduction)
- listed the 7 main points in the outline of "The Great Story" (p. 8)
- defined covenant:
• the conditional promises made to humanity by God, as revealed in Scripture
• the agreement between God and the ancient Israelites, in which God promised to protect them if they kept His law and were faithful to Him
• BOTH sides agree to certain conditions
- discussed assignment: (mini) poster of the books of the Old Testament (p. 23)
- finish jotting down the 7 points if you didn't finish in class
- Make a poster of the books of the Old Testament. Use page 23 in your textbook as a reference. Include the categories, and keep the books in order. Depict this in any way you like, but be sure to use ink/fine liner (no pencil showing) and colour. This will be marked out of 10 and is DUE Sept. 24. To get 10/10: neat, includes all titles in correct order, includes group names (Pentateuch, etc.), is done in ink/felt/computer ink, is coloured, shows no pencil, is done on unlined paper.
- collected International Dossier assignment
- continued work on the geography package
- checked World Vegetation Maps and Comparing Continents
- discussed lines of latitude and longitude, equator, prime meridian, hemispheres
- assigned Equator crossword puzzle (p. 26) DUE Sept. 20 (Class time will be given during English tomorrow to work on it using the globes and atlases.)