You received your Renaissance Project information today and selected the people you will be researching. We will meet in the library Monday, 1st block. We are switching SS and CE blocks next week. SS will be D instead of G, and CE will be G instead of D.
Due Dates:
Research - April 11
Profile Page - emailed to me by April 13 (link and password)
Group Page - emailed to me by April 17 (link and password)
Presentations - April 16, 17, 18 (8 each day)
In-class Essay - April 24
People Assigned:
Jade - Giotto
Nella - da Vinci
Austin - Michelangelo
Kailin - Rembrandt
Caitlin - Raphael
Isabella - Durer
Christina - Gentileschi
Stephanie de J - Boccaccio
Brittney - Donatello
Miguel - Shakespeare
Jessica - Machiavelli
Alex - Dante
Cassandra - Malory
Jeffrey - Galileo
David - Copernicus
Danielle - Bacon
Stephanie de A - Henry VIII
Marra - Elizabeth I
Paolo - Savonarola
April John - Luther
Eduardo - Calvin