Prayer Intentions
- for Alex's friend, Ricky
- for Julian's teammate
- for Arturo
- for the all sick, injured, or stressed
Prayer leaders were Arturo and Chelsea.
Next class prayer leaders will be Jea and Xander.
- reviewed the story of Abraham (guided notes)
- read about Abraham's sacrifice (Genesis 22:1-19)
- read the textbook (pp. 43-44) and reference to how Abraham's sacrifice is like the Father's sacrifice of Jesus
- read about Isaac and Rebekah (text pp. 44-45, Genesis 24:1-67)
- read about Abraham's remarriage and eventual death
Review questions on page 45
- silent reading
- group work: peer assessment of theme paragraphs (with checklist and guidance on board)
- notes: conflict (internal and external)
- reading: "The Decision" by Tom Burnam (Focus p. 67)
- Finish reading "The Decision" and write out the conflict(s).
- Revise your theme paragraphs and resubmit them with the first draft and feedback attached below.
- Pre-test using the questions you made up
- time to study or work on your Humanities homework
- Study for the SS quiz on Rome and Charlemagne. The questions will be based on your pre-test.