Monday, September 27, 2010

Sept. 27, 2010


- for Jessica's Nona that she may continue to recover
- for our football teams that they may have a successful season and remain healthy and free from injury
- for the sick and injured that they may recover soon

Prayers were led by Jessica and Alyssa today.


I returned your journal responses (An Important Promise).
We finished reading in our CE textbooks "The Bible: A Love Letter from God."
We received our assignments (to start in class and finish for homework):
- journal response: list five facts and five truths about your family; how have you come to understand these truths?
- Review Questions p. 10 of textbook.


- silent reading
- parts of speech review (hw sentences)
- short story elements (note taking)
- reading: linking short story elements to the story

Social Studies

We reviewed our discussion about the Tamil migrants from last class then discussed Archbishop Miller's statement and our understanding of our obligations to people seeking refuge.

We had our SS textbooks assigned.

We went over editorial cartoons and how to analyse them then received our hw assignment: answer the questions about the Tamil Migrant editorial cartoon (point form is fine).

Prayer Leaders for next class: Dante and Lorenz