Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Sept. 29


- for the repose of the North Delta girl who was killed
- for personal intentions

Prayer leaders were Lorenz and Dante.


Cornell Note-taking (how to do it, notes on text pp. 10-14)


write the summaries for your notes
quiz on the notes next class


assigned textbooks for English
grammar (noun review)
grammar group assignment


nouns booklet pp. 5, 7, 9


1) Location on the Globe/World Coordinate System
2) The Spinning Earth Causes Day and Night/Earth Facts
3) Determining Direction with Latitude and Longitude/Latitude and Climate
4) Using Latitude and Longitude to Compute Distances/Telling Time with Longitude

We completed handouts 1 and 2 in class and started handout 3.


Finish Handout 3 (Determining Direction with Latitude and Longitude/Latitude and Climate)

Prayer Leaders for next day: Marisol and Xander

Monday, September 27, 2010

Sept. 27, 2010


- for Jessica's Nona that she may continue to recover
- for our football teams that they may have a successful season and remain healthy and free from injury
- for the sick and injured that they may recover soon

Prayers were led by Jessica and Alyssa today.


I returned your journal responses (An Important Promise).
We finished reading in our CE textbooks "The Bible: A Love Letter from God."
We received our assignments (to start in class and finish for homework):
- journal response: list five facts and five truths about your family; how have you come to understand these truths?
- Review Questions p. 10 of textbook.


- silent reading
- parts of speech review (hw sentences)
- short story elements (note taking)
- reading: linking short story elements to the story

Social Studies

We reviewed our discussion about the Tamil migrants from last class then discussed Archbishop Miller's statement and our understanding of our obligations to people seeking refuge.

We had our SS textbooks assigned.

We went over editorial cartoons and how to analyse them then received our hw assignment: answer the questions about the Tamil Migrant editorial cartoon (point form is fine).

Prayer Leaders for next class: Dante and Lorenz

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Sept. 23, 2010

Prayer Intentions:

- for the sick that they may soon be healed
- for Julian's soccer teammate who broke his leg that he may recover soon

Prayer was led by Stefano and Darian.


- AR
- parts of speech intensive review (handout)
- homework assignment: Identify the parts of speech of the underlined words on the first, second, or third page of sentences (depending on where you're sitting).

Some students chose to use their break time to complete their homework.

CE/Social Studies

- We worked on getting our CE textbooks assigned.
- We looked at The Lord's Prayer and applied our parts of speech knowledge to identify parts of speech in the first line.
- I gave you some time to work on homework.
- We read the "What to do with the Tamils?" article and tried our hand at making inferences.
- We had group discussions about human smuggling and immigration. Some groups shared their answers. The other groups will share theirs at the start of our next Humanities class.


The "Online" section of the handout.

1) Vote in the monthly poll at
2) Find out what it takes to become a Canadian immigrant on's Becoming Canadian ( (Familiarize yourselves with this so that you can speak about it.)
3) Search for Archbishop Miller's opinion regarding the Tamil migrants and summarize what he said. (Write this out.)

Reminder: Monday's prayer leaders are Jessica and Alyssa.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Sept. 21, 2010

Prayer Intentions:

for those who are ill that they may recover quickly and return to us well
for the football teams that they may be successful
for us to remain healthy


We assigned prayer dates for pairs to lead the class in prayer.
We read the first section of the textbook that shows how the Bible is a love letter from God and worked on a journal response: An Important Promise. What is the most important promise you have ever made? Write about what that promise has meant to you and what difficulties (if any) you have faced in keeping it.
We worked on our t-shirts from Camp Jubilee.

Homework: Complete the journal response if you didn't finish it in class.


We handed in homework from Friday.

We started off with silent reading, and some students went to the library to take AR quizzes.

We finished off our t-shirts.

We reviewed parts of speech: IVAN CAPP (Interjection, Verb, Adjective, Noun, Conjunction, Adverb, Preposition, Pronoun

We played a game of Scattergories using parts of speech for the categories.

Because of the number of missing students, we kept things simple today. The only assigned homework is for those who did not complete the journal writing (promise). Of course, you should all be reading 20-30 minutes every day.

Friday, September 17, 2010

Sept. 17, 2010

Christian Education

Prayer intentions: for peace in the Middle East and Justin's speedy recovery

We went over some background information of the Bible and did a worksheet on the Old Testament. We read about how to find scriptural references and started on our homework.


Complete the Scriptural References handout (matching and questions).

Look up and write down the following: Exod. 5:22-6:1, 11; 7:6


We discussed AR expectations and went in groups to the library to take out books and get started reading. I recorded the titles of your novels and expect you to have them with you at every Humanities class. Also, you are to read EVERY DAY for at least 20-30 minutes.

Social Studies

I collected your homework, and we started on additional geography worksheets:
- the Equator and Hemispheres
- the Poles and Hemispheres
- Where is it?

Any incomplete work is for homework.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Getting started

We had our first school Mass today, and I am pleased that everyone was so well-behaved and reverent for the service. We went over some business today (seating arrangements, binder organization, distributing Bibles) and discussed the ten reasons for studying the Bible (handout).

In Social Studies, we worked on some geography. We used these handouts:
1) Continents and Oceans
2) Locating the Continents and Oceans

We worked on these handouts in class and went over the answers for the first handout. The second handout is for homework if you did not complete it in class. I will collect it next class (Friday). Also, if you did not finish colouring the first handout, please do so.

Next Day 2, we will visit the school library during "G" block and get started on the Acclerated Reader Program.