Monday, April 30, 2012

April 30


We went over expectations for leading class prayer and divided up into groups.  We'll be leading class prayer May 22, 24, 29, and 31 in both D and B blocks.


Written on Our Hearts:
  • read pp. 94-96 (up to For Review)
  • read and take notes on Joshua (textbook and Biblical passages indicated in book) pp. 96-103 total but not everything is due next class; due Wednesday us p. 96 up to page 98 just before "The abundance of the land"

We did AR and got our books for independent novel study. You chose Theodore Boone Kid Lawyer and The Outsiders.

We filled in a calendar for May, showing when the novel project would be due (May 29) and when Day 1s are.  You need to plan your reading so you can finish your projects on time.

Projects include your choice of: comic strip, book jacket, poster, timeline, power point/prezi.

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

April 24

D block:
  • Moses practice test
  • Book Talks
B block:
  • Renaissance in-class essay

Monday, April 23, 2012

April 23

  • HW: Complete the paragraph for the SS picture (tornado).
  • D block - Moses pre-test, book talks
  • B block - Renaissance in-class essay, silent reading
Wednesday (12:45 dismissal):
  • mapping
Thursday (guest speaker 12:00-1:00):
  • D block - Moses test followed by silent reading
  • B block - creative writing
Friday (Cancer Fundraising Day)
  • SS: bring cue cards and other test prep materials, including your textbook to prepare for May 3 Renaissance test.

Friday, April 20, 2012

April 20

D block:

We had our skits and group-assessed them. Those who missed class today will have to do a make-up assignment.

Next week: Tuesday - practice test for Moses then book talks, Thursday - Moses test then silent reading

B block:

We spent this short class reading.

Next week: Tuesday - Renaissance Essay (Bring your research.) Thursday - surprise

General Reminders:

Fakebook links should be sent in by midnight tonight.

Start working on your portfolios.

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

April 18

Due by midnight tonight: profile page for Renaissance person
Due by midnight Friday: group page

In Socials tomorrow, we will continue our study of current events.
In CE on Friday, we will have the rest of the Ten Commandments skits then work on studying for a test next week.
In English on Friday, we will start some poetry.

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

April 17

We had 8 presentations today and will have the rest tomorrow.

Also for tomorrow: D block - the Choir Girls will do their CE skit.

In B block, we will take a look at your letters to Victor Frankenstein.

Monday, April 16, 2012

April 16 - English

  • We had time for AR.
  • We had book talks by April John and Stephanie de A.
  • I reminded you of the persuasive paragraphs you need for your portfolio.
  • We finished reading Frankenstein and outline the plot.
  • Homework: Complete a letter to your friend, Victor Frankenstein, in which you tell him why he should or should not pursue his experiments.  Include 3 reasons to back up your point of view.

April 16 - CE

  • We worked on skits of the Ten Commandments.
  • Remember to include the two commandments you have.
  • How do they apply to our modern society?
  • What are the commandments? Why should we follow them? What are some potential consequences of NOT following them?

Renaissance Presentations Order

  1. Marra
  2. Cassandra
  3. Renee
  4. David
  5. Miguel
  6. Jeffrey
  7. Austin
  8. Stephanie de A
  9. Isabella
  10. Nella
  11. Brittney
  12. Paolo
  13. Stephanie de J
  14. Kailin
  15. Jade
  16. Mackenzie
  17. Jessica
  18. Danielle
  19. Caitlin
  20. April John
  21. Marcus
  22. Christina
  23. Alex
  24. Eduardo
Tuesday in G block - 1-8
Wednesday in D block 9-16
Wednesday in B block 17-24

Saturday, April 14, 2012


Happy Saturday, everyone. I've gotten a whole bunch of emails telling me Fakebook is back up. As promised, we'll move the due dates for the profile and group pages. Profile page is now due April 18. Group page is now due April 20. We'll still do our presentations this week. We'll talk about order on Monday. In your presentations, you want to pretend you are that person and address all the research questions.

Thursday, April 12, 2012

April 12


We got into groups for Moses skits and the quiz game we played.  Next day: working on skits.


We did AR, had book talks, and started the mini play we are reading.

April 11

  • We worked on Canadian politics and read from What in the World.
  • We read pages 3-4 and answered the questions on p. 5, the Fact/Opinion questions on p. 6, the discussion questions on p. 6, and did the image exercise on p. 7.
  • We put off checking your notes because of the high number of missing students and will check them during English class on April 12.
  • Due April 13: Fakebook page for your Renaissance person.

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

April 10

  • We worked on reflections: "What Easter Means to Me" and visual representations of the meaning of Easter
  • Complete the reflections and/or pictures for homework if you haven't finished.
  • We read for AR.
  • We did book talks.
  • We worked on our paragraphs.
  • If you haven't turned in your final draft of your paragraph, please do so for next class.
Tomorrow (April 11), I'm checking your SS research.

Thursday, April 5, 2012

April 4

D Block: We had our last research class in the library. Make sure you have your research done by April 11. B Block: We did AR, had book talks, shared our paragraphs, and started working on our final revisions using the rubric. Homework: Complete your paragraph revisions.

Monday, April 2, 2012

April 2

D block:

We did research in the library for our Renaissance Fakebook project. 

Next D block will be more of the same and our last class in the library.

B block:

  • silent reading
  • book talks
  • persuasive paragraph sharing
Next B block:
  • book talks by Jade, Marra, Paolo, Alex
  • persuasive paragraph sharing by Isabella, Mackenzie, Eduardo, Caitlin, Jade, Miguel, David, Kailin, Christina, Cassandra
  • work on paragraph revisions using rubrics
Don't forget we are doing our CE class in G block this week, so I'll see you after lunch on Tuesday.