Prayer Intentions:
- for the sick, stressed, or injured
- for our loved ones who are battling disease
- for all of us
Prayer leaders were Chelsea and Jea
- group work: study guide note-taking
- share notes for assigned section with the rest of the class
- study for test on Thursday
- finish project for Tuesday
- quiz: parts of speech noun, pronoun, verb, adjective, adverb
- went over answers
- test on all eight parts of speech as well as definitions on Tuesday (multiple choice)
- geography unit test
- went over answers
- went over schedule change (B, C, D, A; F, G, H, E)
no homework for EN or SS - CE project due Tuesday
Prayer leaders for Tuesday: Justin and Marisol
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
Oct. 27
Prayer Intentions
- for the sick, injured, and stressed
- for Lorenz's family
- for Arturo
- for Tyson
- for Lorenz
- for Sabrina's zia
- for Stefano's family friend
- for the grade 8 football team
- for the grade 8 volleyball team
- for Darian
- for Stefano
- for Jessica's friends mom
Prayer leaders were Luca and Shaun.
- discussed Tower of Babel (textbook pp. 36-37 and Genesis 11:1-9)
- discussed test coming up next week (Creation 1 and 2, Cain & Abel, Noah, Tower of Babel)
- worked on project
- Continue working on project.
- grammar: prepositions, conjunctions, interjections
- went over answers to adverbs
- Finish work started in class (ex. 33, review test 4, ex. 34, optional interjection exercises).
- test next class on nouns, pronouns, verbs, adjectives, adverbs
- worked on latitude/longitude sheet to prepare for Friday's test
- handed in World Map
- study for test
Friday's prayer leaders are Chelsea and Jea.
- for the sick, injured, and stressed
- for Lorenz's family
- for Arturo
- for Tyson
- for Lorenz
- for Sabrina's zia
- for Stefano's family friend
- for the grade 8 football team
- for the grade 8 volleyball team
- for Darian
- for Stefano
- for Jessica's friends mom
Prayer leaders were Luca and Shaun.
- discussed Tower of Babel (textbook pp. 36-37 and Genesis 11:1-9)
- discussed test coming up next week (Creation 1 and 2, Cain & Abel, Noah, Tower of Babel)
- worked on project
- Continue working on project.
- grammar: prepositions, conjunctions, interjections
- went over answers to adverbs
- Finish work started in class (ex. 33, review test 4, ex. 34, optional interjection exercises).
- test next class on nouns, pronouns, verbs, adjectives, adverbs
- worked on latitude/longitude sheet to prepare for Friday's test
- handed in World Map
- study for test
Friday's prayer leaders are Chelsea and Jea.
Monday, October 25, 2010
Oct. 25
Prayer Intentions
- for those who are sick, stressed, or injured
- for the people in the Philippines
- for Stefano's family friend with cancer
- for Arturo (his injury)
- for Bishop Monroe
- for Tyson
- for Lorenz's family
Prayer leaders were Arturo and Jhoden.
- I handed out the rubrics you all had a hand in creating.
- You did group work on your project and thought about a time line of when to have different aspects of your work done.
- Keep working on the project.
- AR
- Grammar (checked adj, worked on adv.)
- Class time to start adverbs.
- Finish exercises 27-30.
- practiced ordered sharing
- reviewed geography quizzes in preparation for unit test
- worked on World Map
- Finish World Map (due Wednesday).
Prayer leaders next class: Luca and Shawn.
- for those who are sick, stressed, or injured
- for the people in the Philippines
- for Stefano's family friend with cancer
- for Arturo (his injury)
- for Bishop Monroe
- for Tyson
- for Lorenz's family
Prayer leaders were Arturo and Jhoden.
- I handed out the rubrics you all had a hand in creating.
- You did group work on your project and thought about a time line of when to have different aspects of your work done.
- Keep working on the project.
- AR
- Grammar (checked adj, worked on adv.)
- Class time to start adverbs.
- Finish exercises 27-30.
- practiced ordered sharing
- reviewed geography quizzes in preparation for unit test
- worked on World Map
- Finish World Map (due Wednesday).
Prayer leaders next class: Luca and Shawn.
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
Oct. 20
Prayer Intentions:
- for the sick or stressed so that they may be helped and healed
- for the grade 8 football team so they may be successful
- for those in the Philippines so they may be safe during this typhoon
- for Arturo that he may recover from his injury soon
- for Ms. F-B's husband so that he may be safe on his trip and return to his family soon
- for Lorenz's family so that they may be safe on their trip
Prayer leaders were McKenzie and Julian.
- got into groups for project: Noah and the Flood Comic Strip
- discussed how to create rubrics (used restaurant example)
- in groups, came up with criteria for assessing the work
- handed in our work (with our group names)
G 4 + 1
- divided the jobs for the project
Reminder: the completed project is due Nov. 2.
- time to review
- geography quiz
- world map assignment
World map due Oct. 27
Geography unit test Oct. 29
- AR
- hw check
- adjectives/adverbs booklet
- exercises 21, 22, 24, 25, 26
Complete the adjective exercises.
Prayer leaders on Monday are Jhoden and Arturo.
- for the sick or stressed so that they may be helped and healed
- for the grade 8 football team so they may be successful
- for those in the Philippines so they may be safe during this typhoon
- for Arturo that he may recover from his injury soon
- for Ms. F-B's husband so that he may be safe on his trip and return to his family soon
- for Lorenz's family so that they may be safe on their trip
Prayer leaders were McKenzie and Julian.
- got into groups for project: Noah and the Flood Comic Strip
- discussed how to create rubrics (used restaurant example)
- in groups, came up with criteria for assessing the work
- handed in our work (with our group names)
G 4 + 1
- divided the jobs for the project
Reminder: the completed project is due Nov. 2.
- time to review
- geography quiz
- world map assignment
World map due Oct. 27
Geography unit test Oct. 29
- AR
- hw check
- adjectives/adverbs booklet
- exercises 21, 22, 24, 25, 26
Complete the adjective exercises.
Prayer leaders on Monday are Jhoden and Arturo.
Monday, October 18, 2010
Oct. 18
Prayer Intentions
- for Lorenz's family that they may be safe in their travels
- for Arturo's knee
- for Mark's baby brother, who is sick, that he may recover quickly
- for Alex that he may have a successful hockey game
- for those who are ill or stressed that they may receive the Lord's help
- for Stefano's family friend with cancer so that she may receive comfort from the Lord
- for Sabrina's zia who has cancer so that the Lord may help her
Prayer leaders were Barry and Daniel.
- I returned your marked maps of Pakistan and Its Neighbours and gave you feedback regarding mapping.
- I have granted an extension (Wednesday) for the map of Chile and Its Neigbours so that people can make adjustments to them before submitting them.
- We worked on exercises with latitude and longitude, first filling in some information then working on identifying coordinates
1) Finish the two exercises with coordinates.
2) Study the notes in the square and be prepared for a quiz next class (latitude/longitude, special lines, coordinates).
3) Complete your map of Chile and Its Neighbours.
- reviewed the sins so far: trying to be equal to God, killing a brother
- read from the text about Noah and the Flood then read the same from the Bible
- List the main events in the Noah and the Flood story. Begin with God's being displeased with humankind's wickedness and ending with the covenant and the rainbow.
- AR
- grammar: verbs (went over answers from last class, new work: ex. 16, 18, 20)
Complete exercises 16, 18, and 20.
Reminder: Prayer leaders for Wednesday are McKenzie and Julian.
- for Lorenz's family that they may be safe in their travels
- for Arturo's knee
- for Mark's baby brother, who is sick, that he may recover quickly
- for Alex that he may have a successful hockey game
- for those who are ill or stressed that they may receive the Lord's help
- for Stefano's family friend with cancer so that she may receive comfort from the Lord
- for Sabrina's zia who has cancer so that the Lord may help her
Prayer leaders were Barry and Daniel.
- I returned your marked maps of Pakistan and Its Neighbours and gave you feedback regarding mapping.
- I have granted an extension (Wednesday) for the map of Chile and Its Neigbours so that people can make adjustments to them before submitting them.
- We worked on exercises with latitude and longitude, first filling in some information then working on identifying coordinates
1) Finish the two exercises with coordinates.
2) Study the notes in the square and be prepared for a quiz next class (latitude/longitude, special lines, coordinates).
3) Complete your map of Chile and Its Neighbours.
- reviewed the sins so far: trying to be equal to God, killing a brother
- read from the text about Noah and the Flood then read the same from the Bible
- List the main events in the Noah and the Flood story. Begin with God's being displeased with humankind's wickedness and ending with the covenant and the rainbow.
- AR
- grammar: verbs (went over answers from last class, new work: ex. 16, 18, 20)
Complete exercises 16, 18, and 20.
Reminder: Prayer leaders for Wednesday are McKenzie and Julian.
Thursday, October 14, 2010
Oct. 14
Prayer Intentions:
- for those ill or stressed that they may receive the Lord's help
- for Stefano's family friend with cancer that she may be healed and comforted
- for McKenzie's acquaintance who had a brain hemorrhage that he may recover
- for the grade 8 volleyball team that they may be successful today
- for the Chilean miners in thanksgiving for their rescue and in hope that they not have any ill effects on their physical and mental health
- for Arturo, who has a dislocated bone, that he may soon heal
Prayer leaders were Meagan and Mark.
- You had time to review your notes for the quiz.
- I collected (overdue) CE Service Hour proposals.
- We went over the quiz.
- We read the text pp. 34-35 and the Bible Genesis 4:1-16 (the story of Cain and Abel).
- We reviewed Adam and Eve and Cain and Abel through the Comic Strip Bible.
- journal response: “Am I my brother’s keeper?” What does it mean to be responsible for another person? Perhaps someone in your school, neighbourhood, family, or group in your community is at risk or in trouble. Is it your job to help them?
- AR
- I showed you your CE quiz scores.
- GRAMMAR: Verbs
Complete exercises 12-15 (pp. 25-32). You do NOT have to identify the tense or the type of verb; just highlight or underline the verbs.
- time to work on maps of Chile/South America
- Finish maps.
Prayer leaders for Monday are Barry and Daniel.
- for those ill or stressed that they may receive the Lord's help
- for Stefano's family friend with cancer that she may be healed and comforted
- for McKenzie's acquaintance who had a brain hemorrhage that he may recover
- for the grade 8 volleyball team that they may be successful today
- for the Chilean miners in thanksgiving for their rescue and in hope that they not have any ill effects on their physical and mental health
- for Arturo, who has a dislocated bone, that he may soon heal
Prayer leaders were Meagan and Mark.
- You had time to review your notes for the quiz.
- I collected (overdue) CE Service Hour proposals.
- We went over the quiz.
- We read the text pp. 34-35 and the Bible Genesis 4:1-16 (the story of Cain and Abel).
- We reviewed Adam and Eve and Cain and Abel through the Comic Strip Bible.
- journal response: “Am I my brother’s keeper?” What does it mean to be responsible for another person? Perhaps someone in your school, neighbourhood, family, or group in your community is at risk or in trouble. Is it your job to help them?
- AR
- I showed you your CE quiz scores.
- GRAMMAR: Verbs
Complete exercises 12-15 (pp. 25-32). You do NOT have to identify the tense or the type of verb; just highlight or underline the verbs.
- time to work on maps of Chile/South America
- Finish maps.
Prayer leaders for Monday are Barry and Daniel.
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
Oct. 12
Prayer Intentions
- for those ill or under stress that they may receive the Lord's help
- for the football team that it may be successful today
Prayer leaders were Alex and Sabrina.
- HW check (notes due for last class, vocab., t-chart, creation questions)
- Creation 2 (textbook pp. 32-34, Genesis 2:4-25; 3:1-24)
- Discussion of the sin of trying to be equal to God, making good choices even when faced with peer pressure.
- study your notes from pp. 22-24 for a quiz
- AR
- time to put the finishing touches on your projects
- presentations/placement of visuals
- peer assessment of group contributions
- if you didn't complete your disappointment paragraph because of our server that was down, please hand it in next class
- handed in Pakistan maps
- went over Pakistan answers
- Chile: Trapped Underground - discussed recent events with the miners, read the story and answered questions, answered Fact/Opinion questions, went over all answers, received map and instructions for next mapping task (to start next class)
- none
Reminder: prayer leaders for next class are Meagan and Mark.
- for those ill or under stress that they may receive the Lord's help
- for the football team that it may be successful today
Prayer leaders were Alex and Sabrina.
- HW check (notes due for last class, vocab., t-chart, creation questions)
- Creation 2 (textbook pp. 32-34, Genesis 2:4-25; 3:1-24)
- Discussion of the sin of trying to be equal to God, making good choices even when faced with peer pressure.
- study your notes from pp. 22-24 for a quiz
- AR
- time to put the finishing touches on your projects
- presentations/placement of visuals
- peer assessment of group contributions
- if you didn't complete your disappointment paragraph because of our server that was down, please hand it in next class
- handed in Pakistan maps
- went over Pakistan answers
- Chile: Trapped Underground - discussed recent events with the miners, read the story and answered questions, answered Fact/Opinion questions, went over all answers, received map and instructions for next mapping task (to start next class)
- none
Reminder: prayer leaders for next class are Meagan and Mark.
Thursday, October 7, 2010
Oct. 7
Today's Intentions:
- for the grade 8 volleyball team that they may be successful today
- for the grade 8 football team that they may have a successful season
- for all those in need of our prayers that they may receive God's comfort
Prayer leaders today were Ria and Sofia.
- notes check (Half the class hadn't completed this, so I'll be checking on Tuesday.)
- Comic Book Bible: Creation (Genesis 1:1-31; 2:1-4)
- text: pp. 27-32 plus Bible readings
- Take notes on the following vocabulary: monotheistic, polytheistic, Sabbath, creationists, evolutionists.
- Make a T-chart describing the Babylonian and Jewish views of the world.
- Complete questions 1-5 of the Creation worksheet.
Quiz on THURSDAY (text pp. 22-24)
- silent reading
- HW check (pronouns)
- group work (grammar project)
- short story questions for "The White Pony"
Answer question 1 on page 116 in the form of a journal response.
The question reads:
All of us are fated at various times in life to share the kind of painful disappointment experienced by Tony Jarvis. Do you remember the anguish felt upon the discovery that Santa Claus was not quite the flesh-and-blood saint presented to you for so many years? Did you find out that an adult you admired was not perfect? Did you have a pet die?
Describe in one paragraph a major disappointment that you have experienced. Do not write a story or detailed narrative; concentrate, instead, on re-creating the original emotional impact of the event. Your disppointment need not be as "big" as Tony's; sometimes it is the littlest disppointments in life that bring the most pain.
- HW check 6-10 set aside for next day (Tuesday)
- Video: Exploring Maps and Globes - completed the guided notes
- handout 6-7 "Locating Places with Lines of Latitude"
No additional SS HW. Pakistan map is due Tuesday.
Reminder: Prayer leaders for Tuesday are Alex and Sabrina.
- for the grade 8 volleyball team that they may be successful today
- for the grade 8 football team that they may have a successful season
- for all those in need of our prayers that they may receive God's comfort
Prayer leaders today were Ria and Sofia.
- notes check (Half the class hadn't completed this, so I'll be checking on Tuesday.)
- Comic Book Bible: Creation (Genesis 1:1-31; 2:1-4)
- text: pp. 27-32 plus Bible readings
- Take notes on the following vocabulary: monotheistic, polytheistic, Sabbath, creationists, evolutionists.
- Make a T-chart describing the Babylonian and Jewish views of the world.
- Complete questions 1-5 of the Creation worksheet.
Quiz on THURSDAY (text pp. 22-24)
- silent reading
- HW check (pronouns)
- group work (grammar project)
- short story questions for "The White Pony"
Answer question 1 on page 116 in the form of a journal response.
The question reads:
All of us are fated at various times in life to share the kind of painful disappointment experienced by Tony Jarvis. Do you remember the anguish felt upon the discovery that Santa Claus was not quite the flesh-and-blood saint presented to you for so many years? Did you find out that an adult you admired was not perfect? Did you have a pet die?
Describe in one paragraph a major disappointment that you have experienced. Do not write a story or detailed narrative; concentrate, instead, on re-creating the original emotional impact of the event. Your disppointment need not be as "big" as Tony's; sometimes it is the littlest disppointments in life that bring the most pain.
- HW check 6-10 set aside for next day (Tuesday)
- Video: Exploring Maps and Globes - completed the guided notes
- handout 6-7 "Locating Places with Lines of Latitude"
No additional SS HW. Pakistan map is due Tuesday.
Reminder: Prayer leaders for Tuesday are Alex and Sabrina.
Tuesday, October 5, 2010
Oct. 5
Prayer Intentions:
- for those under stress or ill that God may be with them
- for Dean's cousin who is missing that he may be safe and found soon
- for the grade 8 football team that it may be successful today
- for the candidates for Student Council that they may not be too competitive
Today's prayer leaders were Analisa and Tyson.
- You had time to review your notes again. Those who received 7/10 or better could choose whether to take the retest or not.
- You received your new seats.
- You took the retest and did silent reading.
- I gave the handouts for next class. You may review them before next class (but are not obligated to do so).
- We read from the text, and you took notes as needed: pp. 13- 21.
Read pages 22-24 in your textbook and take notes using the Cornell Note-taking system.
- group work: You had time to work on your Grammar Fun projects.
- grammar: We went over the answers to the noun booklet. We handed out the pronoun booklet and went over the exercises that are for homework.
- pronoun booklet exercise 9, 10, and 11 (omit the last column for ex. 11)
- reading: Read the short story, "The White Pony" on page 111 in your Focus book.
Social Studies
- finished going over 6-11
- hw check (Computing Distances/Telling Time)
- Devastating Floods in Pakistan: reading, discussion, questions, map
- re-do Computing Distances questions 1 and 2
- complete the questions for Pakistan
- work on your map (due Oct. 12)
Reminder: prayer leaders next class are Sofia and Ria
- for those under stress or ill that God may be with them
- for Dean's cousin who is missing that he may be safe and found soon
- for the grade 8 football team that it may be successful today
- for the candidates for Student Council that they may not be too competitive
Today's prayer leaders were Analisa and Tyson.
- You had time to review your notes again. Those who received 7/10 or better could choose whether to take the retest or not.
- You received your new seats.
- You took the retest and did silent reading.
- I gave the handouts for next class. You may review them before next class (but are not obligated to do so).
- We read from the text, and you took notes as needed: pp. 13- 21.
Read pages 22-24 in your textbook and take notes using the Cornell Note-taking system.
- group work: You had time to work on your Grammar Fun projects.
- grammar: We went over the answers to the noun booklet. We handed out the pronoun booklet and went over the exercises that are for homework.
- pronoun booklet exercise 9, 10, and 11 (omit the last column for ex. 11)
- reading: Read the short story, "The White Pony" on page 111 in your Focus book.
Social Studies
- finished going over 6-11
- hw check (Computing Distances/Telling Time)
- Devastating Floods in Pakistan: reading, discussion, questions, map
- re-do Computing Distances questions 1 and 2
- complete the questions for Pakistan
- work on your map (due Oct. 12)
Reminder: prayer leaders next class are Sofia and Ria
Friday, October 1, 2010
Oct. 1
Prayer Intentions
- for those who are ill or stressed that they may obtain comfort and relief
- for the football team that they may be successful today
- for the volleyball team that they may win
Prayer leaders were Marisol and Xander.
I handed out the service hours proposals for those who had not already printed them themselves. It turns out that everyone needed one. We discussed in greater detail what is volunteer service for a charitable or non-profit organization versus free labour for a company. Service hour proposals are due by October 12.
We had some time to review our notes for the quiz.
We took the quiz.
Study your notes again for the retest.
We did some silent reading.
We did a homework check.
We discussed possessives and the appropriate use of an apostrophe.
You had time to work in your groups for your Grammar Fun project (due October 12).
noun booklet exercises 5, 6, 7 (8 will not be assigned.)
Social Studies
more geography! We went over the Latitude and Climate worksheet and started going over 6-11. We'll finish that off next class.
Finish 6-10 (Computing Distance) and the other side (Telling Time).
Please note, with computing distance, 1 degree of longitude has a different number of miles depending on the line of latitude the point we're interested is on. For example, question 1a) How many miles from point A to B? We look at where point A is (50 degrees N 0 degrees). The chart tells us that at 50 degrees N or S, one degree of longitude is 45 miles. Point B is at 50 degrees N 30 degrees E, so 45 x 30 = ???
Reminder: Tuesday's prayer leaders are Analisa and Tyson.
- for those who are ill or stressed that they may obtain comfort and relief
- for the football team that they may be successful today
- for the volleyball team that they may win
Prayer leaders were Marisol and Xander.
I handed out the service hours proposals for those who had not already printed them themselves. It turns out that everyone needed one. We discussed in greater detail what is volunteer service for a charitable or non-profit organization versus free labour for a company. Service hour proposals are due by October 12.
We had some time to review our notes for the quiz.
We took the quiz.
Study your notes again for the retest.
We did some silent reading.
We did a homework check.
We discussed possessives and the appropriate use of an apostrophe.
You had time to work in your groups for your Grammar Fun project (due October 12).
noun booklet exercises 5, 6, 7 (8 will not be assigned.)
Social Studies
more geography! We went over the Latitude and Climate worksheet and started going over 6-11. We'll finish that off next class.
Finish 6-10 (Computing Distance) and the other side (Telling Time).
Please note, with computing distance, 1 degree of longitude has a different number of miles depending on the line of latitude the point we're interested is on. For example, question 1a) How many miles from point A to B? We look at where point A is (50 degrees N 0 degrees). The chart tells us that at 50 degrees N or S, one degree of longitude is 45 miles. Point B is at 50 degrees N 30 degrees E, so 45 x 30 = ???
Reminder: Tuesday's prayer leaders are Analisa and Tyson.
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